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Opening at Walker Art Center, March 30, 2019

"Scale Drawing" is a video installation by James Byrne included in    

The Body Electric exhibition at Walker Art Center, March 30 - July 21, 2019. 


James Byrne


Opening at Walker Art Center, March 30, 2019

Byrne prepares "Scale Drawing" at Walker Art Center by creating a drawing on the wall with a wide edge Sharpie.
                    What are they saying about "Scale Drawing"?

Walker plugs into 'The Body Electric'

By Alicia Eler

Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 30, 2019

 The first piece visitors will see is by the only Minneapolis artist in the show.  James Byrne's "Scale Drawing," originally created in 1975 and re-created for this exhibition, is the black outline of a man drawn on a wall with a felt-tip marker, with the figure's left hand shown on an old television screen. This early investigation into the mediated body and television, which curator Pavel Pys found in the Walker's permanent collection, acts as an anchor for the show.

 "It was kind of an icon for the show, this meditation on da Vinci's Vitruvian Man," said Pys.  "It summarizes so much."

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